ID: org.sacornerstone.cornerstonechurchapp
Version: 2.0.0
File Size: 19Mb
JHM Screenshots
JHM Description
John Hagee Ministries and Cornerstone Church are led by Pastors John & Matthew Hagee in San Antonio, Texas in the pursuit of spreading the Gospel to all the world and to all generations via TV, radio and; airing programming in every nation worldwide.Cornerstone & JHM are non-denominational entities with more than 20,000 active members in San Antonio and tens of thousands around the globe.
** Landscape Mode **: In order to activate landscape mode, please double tap the video which will bring the player out of the view.
What's new in JHM 2.0.0
- You can now enjoy access to GETV’s Video On Demand Library from your mobile device- Ability to access your purchased digital downloads from your mobile device without access the internet
- New and improved prayer wall
- Ability to communicate with our Prayer partners, exclusive partner department, and customer service
- Ability to Air Stream from your iOS device to Apple TV
- Access to the digital magazine and catalog
- List and notification of upcoming events