ID: com.kumbhmela2015.kumbhmelaguide
Version: 1.2
File Size: 6.2Mb
Kumbh Mela 2015 Guide Screenshots
Kumbh Mela 2015 Guide Description
This app gives a clear idea on the following topics.About Kumbh Mela 2015
Accommodation info for all budgets...
Food and Restaurants
Guest houses contact details
How to reach and Touring spots
Transport facilities
Calender and schedule of events
Where all it took place and going to take place
Who is Sri Adi Sankara and his Life
How he started Akadaas or Akaraas.
What is called Akadaas or Akaraas
How they function
Who are Agoris and what they do
What is Sahi snan and when this mela going to celebrate...
and much more updates time to time...