Download Mahjongg Solitaire Varies with device APK for Android

Mahjongg Solitaire Varies with device
File name: Mahjongg-Solitaire.APK
ID: cn.bluesky.mahjongg
Version: Varies with device
File Size: -1Mb

Mahjongg Solitaire Screenshots

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Mahjongg Solitaire Description

Mahjongg Solitaire, also called Taipei or Shanghai, is an old chinese board game. The objective is to remove all 144 tiles from the board. There are six kinds of layer suit for play on phone device. The rules are simple: Starting from the sides, or from the central tile at the top of the pile, remove tiles by clicking on two equal symbols. If the tiles are identical, they will disappear. Removeable tiles always must be free on their left or right side. If a tile sits between two tiles on the same level, it cannot be selected.

What's new in Mahjongg Solitaire Varies with device

Perfect support for tablet.
Mahjongg Solitaire | 251 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.7

Download Mahjongg Solitaire Varies with device APK

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