Download My Livebox Varies with device APK for Android

My Livebox Varies with device
File name: My-Livebox.APK
Version: Varies with device
File Size: -1Mb

My Livebox Screenshots

My Livebox Screenshots 0
My Livebox Screenshots 1
My Livebox Screenshots 2
My Livebox Screenshots 3
My Livebox Screenshots 4
My Livebox Screenshots 5
My Livebox Screenshots 6
My Livebox Screenshots 7

My Livebox Description

If you have subscribed to Orange Internet offers and you have a Livebox 2 at home, then this application is for you !

What is it ?
With My Livebox, you can control remotely your Livebox and get useful information about your Orange Internet services, from your Smartphone or tablet.

What can you do with it ?
- Get your Orange Internet service status
- Display and manage the devices connected to your Livebox
- Accede to your Livebox Wi-Fi parameters (network name, security key)
- Configure Internet access rights for each device connected to your Livebox. With your tablet, you can control more in details the access rights by scheduling each device (useful if you would like to limit Internet access of your children during certain periods in a day)
- Configure Wi-Fi of your Livebox by defining the activation periods (useful if you would like to turn off Wi-Fi during the night). This function is available only for tablets

How to use it ?
The application is compatible with Livebox 2.
Before launching this application, make sure your Smartphone or tablet is connected to your Livebox via Wi-Fi.
Then, all what you need to do is to launch the application by clicking on its icon.

My Livebox | 7 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.3

Download My Livebox Varies with device APK

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