ID: com.phonegap.watersafetymap
Version: 2.0.0
File Size: 1.3Mb
Safety Map Water Danger UK Screenshots
Safety Map Water Danger UK Description
This mobile app maps UK Water Danger Spots, with the aim of raising awareness of water safety issues.Water Safety Map is a response to the need identified for better public awareness of dangerous locations and the opportunity this presents for wider water safety education. The technology used is being applied from knowledge gained working with online mapping technologies for agencies such as the police.
Our goal is to drastically reduce the number of needless accidents and fatalities by better water safety awareness. Using the most up to date technologies, appealing particularly to the young people most at risk by education.
Websites and mobile technologies allow young people to explore the history of previous incidents themselves, naturally drawing their own conclusions based in the evidence available.
What's new in Safety Map Water Danger UK 2.0.0
Second release on android.Download Safety Map Water Danger UK 2.0.0 APK