Download Social Playlist 0.13 APK for Android

Social Playlist 0.13
File name: Social-Playlist.APK
ID: com.feldschmid.socialplaylist
Version: 0.13
File Size: 3.8Mb

Social Playlist Screenshots

Social Playlist Screenshots 0
Social Playlist Screenshots 1

Social Playlist Description

Works with all MusicPlayer-Apps (configured through Settings).
Set a threshold of votes and start playing. Other people may then visit the ip address (must be on same wifi) and downvote the current song. Once the threshold is reached the current song is skipped.

Upvoting might be implemented soon.
Another feature would be to allow voting on playlist items to queue them based on likes, but that would require more integration with the player :/

What's new in Social Playlist 0.13

Very First Release.
Guess what. It allows you to vote on the current song - if entough dislikes are gathered the song is skipped.
Social Playlist | 1 Reviewers | | Rating: 5

Download Social Playlist 0.13 APK

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