ID: com.madhavan93.hisaabkitaab
Version: 1.4.1
File Size: 0.9Mb
Udhaari Screenshots
Udhaari Description
This is a simple application to keep track of your debts!Udhaari now allows you to send emails and SMS (Texts) as reminders, so that you get your money back in time!
Ask your friend to install Udhaari on his mobile device and send requests to him/her. You add an entry on your mobile and it reflects on your friends'! Cool uh?
Features :
- Simple addition of debts
- All new contact picker from your contacts
- Complete privacy of data
- Keep check on cummulative and individual debts
- Send and recieve requests for debts. Cloud enabled!
What are requests ?
If you (Alice) add an entry saying "Bob owes you $25", by sending a request to Bob, you can dynamically add an entry on Bob's Udhaari app which says "You owe Alice $25" !
Often mis-spelt as "Udhari", note the number of a's. It's Udhaari, not "Udhari" :D
It was previously called hisaab-kitaab, but then there is already another app with the name "Hisab Kitab", hence we changed to "Udhaari", (not "Udhari") ;-)